
Mirrors are the grand illusionists. They instantly give your home depth, glamour, and intrigue. You go drama queen!

They reflect light, banishing that gloomy room.  Best to make sure they’re reflecting a good view. (not directly opposite the toilet) Our property agent is a little creeped out because I put a mirror on our kitchen bench top. She thinks I’m vain, but it really reflects our beautiful views of the water and gum trees. ( Why have my back to that?)

You can have fun with the frames. Maybe an intricately detailed shabby chic with a modern lounge. The bigger the better- well, maybe as much as a few command hooks can carry, although if they’re really huge, they can look great resting on the floor.

Get Rid Of A Small Hole In The Wall

(Warning: This is not an ideal solution when you consider that a tub of filler is often less than $10  🙂  )

Use Toothpaste to Fill Holes. Toothpaste is a great alternative to filler if you have a hole in your wall smaller than 6mm. Squeeze the paste into the hole and wipe off the excess with a putty knife or playing card.

NOTE: You can even paint over toothpaste when it’s dry.


Cushions and Throws

Cushions are a really fun and inexpensive way to start the design scheme of your home. So be brave! Be bold! If you change your mind (not, oops that doesn’t work well together), it doesn’t matter, they’re easy to replace.

You can even tie a favourite scarf or two around a cushion for an instant update. With cushions you can go wild with colour, texture, sequins, fringing etc. and it becomes the focal point of your design scheme. They draw the eye, so the focus is off any not so nice features of your rental.

Driveway Lights

Here is a super inexpensive way to jazz up the front yard and light up the driveway at night. Maybe you need a guide for reversing at night, or you just want to make the place look more like home. Lights also help with security.